If you haven’t heard the news, it is being reported that a startling trend has caught the attention of health professionals across the United States: testosterone levels in men are declining. There has been a 17% increase in the decline in the past decade. This hormone, often associated with masculinity and vitality, plays a crucial role not only in sexual function but also in maintaining muscle mass, bone density, and overall well-being. Not to mention – manliness.
There is no single culprit when it comes to the dwindling testosterone levels, but rather a cocktail of lifestyle factors and environmental influences that are conspiring against men's hormonal health.

GET OFF YOUR …"The sedentary lifestyle prevalent in modern society is one of the fundamental factors causing a decline in men’s testosterone levels," explains Dr. Julian Eastwood, a leading endocrinologist. With an increase in desk jobs and screen time, physical activity has taken a backseat. Your PE Teacher was right all along. Exercise, particularly resistance and weight training, has been shown to boost testosterone production naturally.
MEN – STOP EATING S…. A study published in the Journal of Nutritional Sciences suggests that diet plays a significant role in hormonal health. Diets high in processed foods and sugars and low in essential nutrients are wreaking havoc on testosterone levels. A nutritionist we consulted adds, "Diets lacking in zinc, vitamin D, and omega-3 fatty acids are particularly detrimental."
CHECK IT OUT - Exposure to certain chemicals and pollutants, or endocrine disruptors, can also interfere with hormonal activity. These substances are found in everything from personal care products to plastic containers, emphasizing the need for heightened environmental awareness.
IT’S NOT JUST ABOUT SEX - The impact of declining testosterone levels extends beyond sex. Lowered libido and sexual dysfunction are just the starting point. Men are experiencing weakening muscles, increasing body fat, chronic fatigue, mood disturbances, and even heightened risk for diseases such as osteoporosis and diabetes as a result of this drop in testosterone.
GET UP AND MOVE - To counteract this worrying trend, experts advocate a return to the roots of healthy, active living: Weight training as part of a weekly routine.
GET CHECKED - If you are feeling exhausted, depressed, and anxious, and if you feel you are losing muscle mass, it may be time to have your T-levels checked. It is a simple blood draw, but most Primary Care Physicians will overlook this necessary step in improving men’s health. You need to insist on this blood test.
Given the complications of low testosterone, experts agree that "awareness is the first step to prevention." With practical changes and a proactive stance, it’s possible to turn the tide on this silent epidemic affecting men nationwide.

If we can assist you further, contact Renee & Company at 844-661-2369 or renee@reneecompany.com